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© GDANCP / WWF-Cambodia
Key Facts
Common name
Common Name
Asian Elephant
2700 - 5400kg
Latin name
Scientific Name
Elephas maximus
Body Length
550 - 640 cm
Did you know?
Did you know?
The largest population of Asian elephant in Indochina occurs in Mondulkiri
In Cambodia, the largest population of Asian elephant occurs in the Eastern Plains Landscape of Mondulkiri province. Camera-trap photos and sign surveys indicate a healthy reproducing population.
However, given the encroachments of human settlement and agriculture into forest areas, human-elephant conflict is likely to become a significant problem in the future. Poaching for ivory is also a threat for the Asian elephant, particularly for males.
WWF is currently undertaking a large-scale survey that will analyse DNA from elephant-dung to arrive at a clear estimate of elephant population size in the Eastern Plains.
However, given the encroachments of human settlement and agriculture into forest areas, human-elephant conflict is likely to become a significant problem in the future. Poaching for ivory is also a threat for the Asian elephant, particularly for males.
WWF is currently undertaking a large-scale survey that will analyse DNA from elephant-dung to arrive at a clear estimate of elephant population size in the Eastern Plains.