© Keo Sopheak / WWF-Cambodia

Sunda Pangolin

A Sunda pangolin is being released back to the forest after confiscation from wildlife traders by a WWF-supported enforcement team in Mondulkiri Protected Forest within Cambodia's Eastern Plains Landscape.
Key Facts
Common name
Common Name

Sunda Pangolin



In Cambodia: Rare; IUCN: Critically Endangered; CITES: Appendix II

IUCN Red List Entry


Up to 10kg

Latin name

Scientific Name

Manis javanica


Body Length

Up to 65cm

Did you know?

Did you know?

Pangolins are the most widely traded species in the illegal wildlife trade in Asia

Populations of Sunda Pangolin in Southeast Asia are thought to have been reduced by more than 50% in the last 15 years due to high levels of hunting for medicinal purposes. In fact, Pangolins are one of the most prized animals in the illegal wildlife trade. In the wild, the secretive Sunda Pangolins are rarely observed during their nightly forages for ants and termites. Clear population estimates are lacking, but Sunda Pangolins are confiscated regularly from poachers and thus must still occur over wide areas of Cambodia, especially in the Cardamom Mountains as well as in the forests of Mondulkiri’s Eastern Plains Landscape.
A Sunda pangolin confiscated from wildlife traders in Cambodia's Eastern Plains Landscape rolls up ... 
© Keo Sopheak / WWF-Cambodia
A Sunda pangolin confiscated from wildlife traders in Cambodia's Eastern Plains Landscape rolls up to seek shelter.
© Keo Sopheak / WWF-Cambodia